Information bulletin
Improving primary care in Vancouver
Government is transforming everyday health care for people living in Vancouver by establishing six primary care networks, including supports for First Nations and Indigenous primary care through team-based primary care providers to strengthen support to the region.
“As part of our government’s primary care strategy, we’re transforming the way people throughout the province access health care to improve the end to end patient experience. Primary care networks deliver team-based health care, giving people a better and more seamless patient-centred experience that is responsive to the unique needs of each community,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “These primary care networks in Vancouver will further support residents in getting access to the comprehensive care they need and deserve.”
The Ministry of Health will provide approximately $36 million in annual funding to the primary care networks, once they are fully operational.
Over the next four years, residents of Vancouver will benefit from 197 full-time equivalent (FTE) health providers and administrative staff who will provide better access to quality primary health care. This includes family physicians, nurse practitioners, clinical pharmacists and allied health professionals such as social workers, physiotherapists, mental health counsellors, dieticians and cultural support workers.
Approximately 136 existing Vancouver clinics are now a part of these primary care networks, providing people with a more co-ordinated approach to care, timely access to services and better health outcomes.
These six primary care networks are City Centre, Centre North, Northeast, Westside, Midtown and South primary care networks. Community partners will work together to ensure tens of thousands of people have access to comprehensive and team-based primary care services for their daily health-care needs.
The networks will provide a full range of accessible, everyday health services that will better support patients and health care providers. These networks were developed to better meet the specific needs of the community and to strengthen services identified as high priority. These include:
better access to chronic disease and chronic pain management;
improved access to services for individuals with mild to moderate mental health and substance-use services;
better co-ordinated services for families and seniors who are frail and people with complex health issues;
improved access to maternity care;
more access to comprehensive services for people living in poverty; and
culturally safe care for Indigenous peoples.
For people and families, it means getting faster, better access to their primary care team or provider, even on evenings and weekends, as well as being connected to appropriate services and supports in the community.
Over the next four years, the six networks will work to attach approximately 111,250 patients to a consistent primary care provider in the region, while also providing team-based and culturally safe care to local residents.
The networks, which include supports for First Nations and Indigenous primary care, will also ensure Indigenous peoples receive holistic primary care at clinics, both on and off reserve. The clinics will provide both western and traditional medicines in a culturally safe environment.
The primary care networks are a partnership between the Ministry of Health, Vancouver Coastal Health, Divisions of Family Practice and First Nations communities. The planning and implementation of the primary care networks were also supported by the First Nations Health Authority.
Learn More:
To learn more about how patients can register, visit to be attached to a family physician or nurse practitioner, visit:
To learn more about the Province’s primary health-care strategy, visit:
To learn more about the Province’s strategy to increase the number of nurse practitioners, visit:
To learn more about the Province’s strategy to recruit and retain more family medicine graduates, visit: