소아청소년 정신건강과 물질사용 자료
여기에는 자녀의 정신건강 지원에 관한 소아청소년과 그 가족을 위한 자료가 있습니다.
추천 건강 주제
소아청소년과 가족을 위한 ADHD 자료
주의력결핍 과잉행동장애(Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD)는 집중하기 어렵고, 과제에 대한 …
소아청소년과 그 가족을 위한 불안증 자료
걱정이나 긴장감을 느끼는 것은 일상생활의 정상적인 일부입니다. 누구나 때때로 불안감을 느낍니다. 경증에서 중등도의 불안은 주의력과 에너지 그리…
어린이와 청소년 그리고 가족을 위한 섭식장애 자료
섭식장애는 음식과 체중 그리고 체형에 대한 건강하지 못한 생각과 행동을 수반하는 정신질환의 일종입니다. 섭식장애는 단순히 음식에 관한 것이 아…
Indigenous mental health and wellness resources for children, youth and families
These resources offer mental health information and support services for cultur…
소아청소년과 가족을 위한 물질사용 자료
소아청소년의 물질사용은 지대한 영향을 초래하는 절박한 문제입니다. 이는 육체적 건강을 해칠 뿐만 아니라 정서적, 사회적 발달을 위태롭게 합니다…

정신건강과 웰빙 주제, 자기평가, 유익한 조언, 앱과 도구, 유용한 자원과 여러 다른 청소년의 이야기에 대한 정보를 찾아보세요.
파운드리 BC(Foundry BC)를 방문하세요더 많은 소아청소년 정신건강 자료
Vancouver Couple and Family Institute
Provides individual, couple and family therapy to reach personal goals and build strong bonds in the most important relationships
Families Change
Provides age-appropriate information to help kids, teens, and parents deal with a family break up.
Parenting After Separation Courses (PAS)
Milieu Children and Family Services
Milieu provides family counselling and mediation services to youth and families in Vancouver.
Vancouver Couple and Family Institute
Provides individual, couple and family therapy to reach personal goals and build strong bonds in the most important relationships.
Family Smart
Provides relevant information and support for families parenting young people with mental health concerns.
Wise Parenting
The CART WiseParenting Group is a skills-based program that draws from Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).
Connect Parent
The Canadian Society for Information Children
Provide information, support and referrals to parents and caregivers related to the care and well-being of families with children 12 years and under.
BC Council for Families
Parents in the Know
Parent Support Services Society
Parent in Residence Program
A Child's Song
Private organization that provides consultation, education, and therapy to families joined through adoption which offers various supports and services.
Confident Parents Thriving Kids
A skill-building program designed to help parents support their children aged 3–12 who are experiencing mild to moderate behaviour challenges.
Sashbear Family Connection
Provides skills, support and hope for family members or friends of someone with emotion dysregulation, to regain balance in their lives.
Here to Help
BC Bereavement Helpline
Resource hub that provides information about where to access grief and loss-specific support.
Charlene Reaveley Children’s Charity Society
Burnaby Hospice
This free group is for teens 13 to 19 who have experienced loss through the death of someone significant through art and music activities, as well as individual sharing and group discussions.
The Lower Mainland Grief Recovery Society
Vancouver Hospice Society
Dealing with Depression Antidepressant Skills for Teens
Information about low mood and depression and practical self-help skills that may be helpful in managing low mood.
Mind Over Mood
Information that help you to understand how we think can significantly influence how we feel.
Mental Health Support
Autism BC
Pacific Autism Family Network
Canucks Autism Network Virtual Youth and Adult Program
Autism Support BC
Autism Information Services British Columbia (AIS BC)
ABLE Clinic - Offices in Surrey, Richmond and West Vancouver
ASD private assessment option.
Westcoast Child Development: Vancouver
ASD private assessment option.
Compass Clinic
Dr. Ryan Chan
Pathfinder Clinic
Dr. Wong & Associates
ASD private assessment option, available in Mandarin.
A non-profit organization that works to improve LGBTQ2SAI+ lives.
Four Feathers Society
The Four Feathers Society is a tribe of Aboriginals living in British Columbia who self-identify as being two-spirit, gay, lesbian, Transgender, Bi-sexual, Intersex, and/or Queer. The society strives to provide opportunities to its members to strengthen and heal their spirits, hearts, minds and physical well-being.
Catherine White Holeman Wellness
Provides low-barrier wellness and legal services to Two-Sprit, transgender and gender non-conforming people in a way that is respectful and celebratory of clients’ identity and self-expression.
Trans Care BC
Information about mental health and wellness for trans and gender diverse people.
Trans Families
Provides information and support to parents and caregivers, as well as answers to frequently asked questions around gender identity. Offers the option of joining their program to access groups, events, and forums.
Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic
Provides treatment with puberty blockers and/or gender-affirming hormones for transgender and gender-questioning youth.
BC Suicide Helpline
Kelty Mental Health | Self-injury
Kelty Mental Health | Suicide
COMPASS Mental Health
Genecept Assay
A genetic test used to inform decision-making when clinicians are prescribing medications and treatments for psychiatric conditions.
BC Children’s Outpatient Psychiatry Referral
Has to be referred by a family doctor.
BC Children Outpatient Clinic
Three Story Clinic
Offers private and public mental health services for children, youth and families
All licensed Clinical Counsellors practicing in BC must register with this association. Search on their website by practice and location, a private counsellor in the meantime if you feel an immediate need for counselling.
BC Association of Social Workers
Search on their website by practice area and location.
CMHA Arts and Expressive Therapy
The Art and Expressive Therapy program helps children, ages 6-12, explore their creative selves while nurturing their emotional health.
Counselling BC
Expressive Arts Therapies use digital media or traditional arts and crafts materials to help clients express themselves more effectively.
Sandstory Psychology Services
Sandstory utilizes evidence-based approaches, such as CBT, narrative, & play, to support a wide range of challenges.
Vancouver Art Therapy Institute
Offer both onsite and virtual art therapy sessions in our clinic staffed by students from both of our programs for children over 5, adolescents and adults.
Kids Sports Canada
BC Children’s Hospital OCD Clinic
Provides provincial specialized consultation for children and youth age 6-18 with complex obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders who have not responded to community treatment resources.
International OCD Foundation
Typical treatment approaches may include Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, Exposure-and Response Prevention (“ERP”), and may also include medication prescribed by a Doctor or Pediatrician.
Mental Health Literacy
Provides information, recommended strategies, and a child/youth-friendly video about what it can be like to experience OCD.
About Kids Health
Article that provides information for parents about how best to support their child with OCD symptoms.
Anxiety Canada - OCD
Article that provides information for parents about how best to support their child with OCD symptoms.
Book | The OCD Workbook for Kids: Skills to Help Children Manage Obsessive Thoughts and Compulsive Behaviours
Book | Breaking Free from OCD for Teens: A CBT guide for Young People and their Families
Book | Brain Lock: Free yourself from obsessive-compulsive disorder
Book | Understanding OCD: A Guide for Parents and Professionals
UBCO Psychology Well-Being Clinic
Talk privately about depression, anxiety, substance use, stress and more with a supervised graduate student clinician.
Moving Forward Family Service
Free/sliding scale services. 1:1 mental health coaching, educational and support group, individual, couples and family counselling.
Wellness Together Canada
24/7 virtual support for mental health and substance use for all ages.
Kids Help Phone
Phone: 1-800-668-6868 | Text: 686868
Youth Space
Free online crisis and emotional support chat service for youth under 30 across Canada. IM Chat through website or text 778-783-0177
Mental Health Support Line
Trained workers providing emotional support and resources to those in distress or just needing someone to talk to.
BGC South Coast BC
PEERS Social Skills Program
A program that is focused on developing and strengthening friendship skills and teach important social behaviours.
Brain Boost Education
Brain Boost offers customized learning programs built around collaboration and engagement.
Constructive Pathways Behavioral Consulting
Happy Oak Behavioral Consulting
Girl Guides of Canada
Girls 5-17 can join and women can volunteer to enjoy camping, travel, educational activities and community service.
Big Sisters of BC Lower Mainland
Provide supportive mentoring relationships to youth who may be facing challenges like bullying, isolation, poverty, abuse, social anxiety, low self-esteem, and more.
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
Empower children and youth to reach their full potential through mentorship.
BeaYOUtiful Foundation
Offers workshops and other youth programs that promote self-esteem and confidence-building in young girls.
Provides 1:1 volunteer mentoring program for children 6 to 12 (may extend) who face challenges at home, school, or community.
Offer various programs to cultivate young people’s creativity in dance, theatre, art and design.
Vancouver Public Library Programs
Family Services of Greater Vancouver
The PEACE Program provides culturally sensitive, trauma-informed and child-centered services for children and youth, aged 3 to 18. Email traumaservices@fsgv.ca or call (604) 874-2938 ext. 4141
Crime Victim Assistance Program
Assists victims, immediate family members and some witnesses in coping with the effects of violent crime.
No barrier, fast-response service that aims to educate youth ages 13 to 18 about sexual exploitation and how to stay safe. They offer tailored services to fit youth’s strengths, needs, and circumstances.
Low-barrier access, under 19, and in active addiction.
Emergency resource, max. timeline is a month. Goals are re-assessed weekly.
Covenant House
Aboriginal Safe House
BYRC – Broadway Youth Resource Center
Oakridge Pediatrics
Granville Pediatrics and Family Clinics
Sunny Hill Health Centre
Occupational Therapy Resources
Look into Occupational Therapy at CAOT
Occupational Therapy Resources
Find OT services at BC Children’s Hospital Occupational Therapy
Speech and Hearing BC
Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist in private practice.
BC Cerebral Palsy Association
Services are built on assessing needs and identifying the strengths in our members of all ages.
BC Learning Centers for Children with Dyslexia
Improve the lives of at-risk children identified with dyslexia by providing free of charge tutoring by educators trained in the Orton-Gillingham Approach, a proven method that accommodates their specific learning disability.
Offers inclusive, comprehensive, and expert learning and related supports for learners with suspected or diagnosed learning differences.

Find information on services available for mental health and substance use.
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