青少年深度个案管理团队 (YICMT)
相关话题: Child and youth mental health and substance use Children and youth health Mental health and substance use Substance use Youth substance use services

如果存在急迫的安全问题,请致电 9-1-1 或前往最近的医院急诊部。
自杀咨询专线: 1-800-784-2433
致电卑诗省危机专线: 604-310-6789
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KUU-US 危机支持专线(卑诗省原住民免费危机和支持专线): 1-800-588-8717
青少年深度个案管理团队 (Intensive Case Management Team, ICMT) 是一个多学科团队,为具有复杂需求(如致瘾物使用、无家可归、心理健康问题)的青少年提供创新的、以人为本且具有文化敏感性的服务。
- 获得初级医疗,
- 获得阿片拮抗剂治疗,
- 文化和精神支持与服务,
- 社区外展活动,
- 转介及帮助联系服务机构,包括长期社区支持,
- 提供减少伤害的必需品和相关教育,
- 职业治疗师(OT)的评估和支持,
- 治疗规划,以及
- 与有益社会的支持建立联系。
To make a referral to the YICMT please contact Youth CAIT. Youth CAIT phone lines are open daily.
- Saturday to Thursday: 10:00 am– 8:00 pm
- Fridays: 10:00 am– 5:00 pm
Phone: 604-209-3705
Email: cait.youth@vch.ca
Fax: 604-681-1894
- 组长,
- 受理服务临床医生,
- 个案经理/临床医生,
- 青少年外展工作者,
- 文化工作者,
- 执业护士,
- 社会工作者,以及
- 职业治疗师。

Youth Intensive Care Management Team brochure
Transition into Independence (TIP)
The team also encompasses a housing subsidy program called Transition into Independence (TIP) which offers a monthly housing subsidy for market housing for VCH catchment area youths ages 18 to 25. Youth are connected with a youth care worker providing case management and intensive support to youths. Youths can also be connected to primary care, cultural and spiritual support, case management or other community or treatment supports.
The Transition Group
The team also offers a life skills group named the Transition group. The Transitions Group gives youth who are transitioning into adulthood the opportunity to learn life skills in a supportive, low-barrier environment along with Vancouver Coastal Health.
Participants are between the ages of 17 and 24 and have had some involvement with MCFD or VACFSS.
Examples of topics covered include:
- healthy eating,
- eating on a budget,
- income and identification,
- education and employment, and
- physical and mental health.
Youth Intensive Case Management Team (YICMT) at Foundry North Shore
211 West 1st Street North Vancouver -
Youth Intensive Case Management Team (YICMT) at qathet General Hospital
5000 Joyce Avenue, 3rd floor Powell River