Health promotion, education, and prevention: youth vaping
On this page

About one out of every four youth in BC has tried vaping. Vaping nicotine has special risks for young people. Learn more about vaping and free supports for youth, schools, and families.

Learn about vaping devices, how they work, and what they contain from Health Canada.
Download the Vaping Mechanics poster
Knowing the risks of vaping can help youth make informed decisions about their health. Learn more from the Canadian Centre for Addictions and Mental Health.
Download the How Does Vaping Affect Me fact sheetResources
Your Vape-Free Life
Explore information and tools for youth who are interested in cutting down or quitting vaping.
Quash App
Quash is a judgement-free app designed for young people aged 14-30 who want to quit smoking or vaping.
I Quit For Me Guide for Youth
This guide from Health Canada is for youth who want to quit using tobacco, cigarettes, or vapes. Also available in French.
Foundry BC
Health and wellness services for young people aged 12-24. Services include counselling, primary care, peer support, groups and workshops, and employment support.
Vaping Harm Reduction Tips
This resource from the Canadian Centre for Addictions and Mental Health has tips on how people who vape can reduce their risk.
Consider the Consequences of Vaping
Self-led vaping education modules for classroom use, along with conversation tips for parents and teachers.
Vaping Information for Better-Educated Decisions (VIBED)
Find activities and educational resources to deliver a youth vaping education session in the classroom. Also available as a pre-recorded video and in French. Please note that some slides are Ontario-specific.
The Brief Conversations Toolkit
This toolkit helps you talk to a young person about quitting vaping using a sensitive and non-judgmental approach.
ABCs of Youth Substance Use
Find evidence-based resources and approaches to deliver youth substance-use education in BC schools. Sign up for the monthly digest to get practical, web-based information to help prevent, delay and reduce substance-related harm for youth.
I Quit For Me Facilitator’s Guide
Build your capacity, step by step, to support youth who want to quit using tobacco, cigarettes, or vapes. Also available in French.
Smoking and Vaping Toolkit for Schools
Find tools and resources for school district staff, as well as educational materials for children in grades K-12, on the risks of smoking and vaping. Some content may be Northern Health-specific.
STOMP Toolkit for Schools
Find resources for students and classroom activities on the harms of vaping and smoking developed by Physical and Health Education Canada.
Please email our team for more information about education sessions for students, parents, and school staff.
Talking with your teen about vaping
Get tips on how to talk with your teen about vaping from Health Canada. Also available in French.
Frequently asked questions about vaping
Find out the answers to commonly asked questions about vaping from the BC Lung Foundation. Also available in Chinese (Simplified), Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Vaping information for parents
Get conversation tips and vaping information from the BC Lung Foundation. Also available in Chinese (Simplified), Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Parent Webinar: Supporting Youth to Quit Vaping
Parents can learn how to support their teen to quit vaping through this video from BC Lung Foundation's QuitNow program
FamilySmart Peer Support Workers
Access free and confidential support from a Parent Peer Support Worker. Parent Peer Support Workers provide emotional support, information, resources, and help in navigating services. They can meet with parents, caregivers, and families by video, email, phone, or in person.
Where You Are Podcast
This podcast from Kelty Mental Health helps families promote their mental health and wellness and gives practical tips and strategies for parents and caregivers. Listen to the episode on Substance Use: Talking alcohol, vaping & other drugs with your kids.
Contact us
Phone: (604) 675-3800
Related content
Visit VCH Tobacco & Vapour Control main page
Visit VCH Tobacco & Vapour Reduction service page