
Road to Recovery Service Expectations for Contracted Substance Use Bed Providers

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) and Providence Health Care (PHC) have contracts with multiple service providers across the VCH region that provide bed-based substance use support recovery services including stabilization, transition, support recovery, and treatment. The Service Expectations provide guidance for service providers working providing this care.

Road to Recovery Regional Service Expectations

The service expectations are intended to strengthen and support the client’s journey and to identify specific responsibilities of the Health Authority and Service Providers. The expectations will support implementation of the provincial standards and the client experience across the region and were developed by a VCH/PHC working group composed of contract managers, clinical staff, and peer representatives.   

Cultural safety and humility are viewed as an integral part of each service expectation.

The service expectations are guided by the following values: 

  • client choice,
  • evidence and strengths-based care,
  • client-centered care,
  • trauma-informed care,
  • harm reduction,
  • diversity,
  • equity, and
  • responsiveness.

Download the Service Expectations depending on your site type

Service Expectations - Licensed Sites Service Expectations - Registered Sites

About contracted substance use bed services

Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) and Providence Health Care (PHC) have contracts with multiple service providers across the VCH region that provide bed-based substance use support recovery services including stabilization, transition, support recovery, and treatment. 

These beds are funded by the ministry of health and follow licensing or registry regulations. 

The Road to Recovery (R2R) regional service expectations for VCH/PHC Substance Use Bed-Based services were developed following a review of the 2011 Service Model and Provincial Standards for Adult Residential Substance Use Services and the 2021 Provincial Standards for Registered Assisted Living Supportive Recovery Services.

The impact of introducing the service expectations will vary between contracted service providers.  Recognizing the uniqueness of each of the service providers sites/structure and programming it may take several years before all expectations can be fully implemented alongside the provincial standards.