The funding assistance program for eligible participants to support tuition expenses incurred to attend an approved intensive stuttering treatment program upon successful completion.

Eligibility for the reimbursement program

The reimbursement does not cover assessment fees. Each individual is eligible for one-time funding only.  


  • residents of British Columbia who a speech-language pathologist has diagnosed as having a stuttering problem;
  • aged 19 or older; and 
  • completed an approved intensive stuttering treatment program.

Application information

The following is a list of procedures to assist you in planning for your evaluation and treatment as well as reimbursement of tuition expenses. 

  1. Contact Kristin Roodenberg, RSLP regarding availability of funds, and to determine the eligibility of the intensive stuttering treatment program of your choice. The intensive stuttering treatment program must be able to provide: 
    1. a description of their clinical strategies;
    2. a description of the measurements used to assess fluency;
    3. criteria for evaluating success of clinical progress; and
    4. treatment effect size.
  2. Make application to the approved stuttering treatment program, according to their standard application and assessment procedures. If you are required to pay tuition in advance of the program, you will be reimbursed by the Fred Gingell program upon submission of your receipt and completion of the program evaluation form, which is distributed during the last day of your treatment. PLEASE KEEP YOUR RECEIPT(S). Currently approved programs are:
    • Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research (ISTAR), 3rd floor, Aberhart Centre Two, 8220 –114th St, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2P4, Phone: (780) 492-2619, Fax: (780) 492-8457
    • Columbia Speech and Language Services, Inc., #1316–750 West Broadway, Vancouver, B.C., V5Z 1J3, Phone: (604) 875-9100, Fax: (604) 875-9130
  3. Once you have completed the application and assessment protocol for an approved stuttering treatment program, the program directors will contact Kristin Roodenberg, RSLP regarding your acceptance into a specific intensive treatment session. You may be required to pay the service provider a deposit to reserve a space in an upcoming treatment session. This deposit will be returned to you upon completion of the therapy program.
  4. Kristin Roodenberg, RSLP will confirm your eligibility for the funding program.
  5. Complete the intensive stuttering treatment program, including post-treatment assessment forms. 
  6. If the approved treatment program does not require tuition payment in advance, Kristin Roodenberg, RSLP will pay the eligible treatment program directly on your behalf, upon your completion of the program and post-treatment assessment forms.  
  7. If you were required to pay the tuition in advance, mail your receipt(s) for tuition to Kristin Roodenberg at G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre for your reimbursement after you have completed your intensive treatment program. Please note: Reimbursement requests that do not include a social insurance number (SIN) will be returned to the sender. Your reimbursement will be mailed to you unless alternative arrangements are made. The reimbursement cheque will be from Vancouver Coastal Health where the stuttering program account is held. Send your receipts and SIN to G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre

Questions and more information

If you need more information or have questions about the procedures, please contact:

Kristin Roodenberg, RSLP.
G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre | Vancouver Coastal Health
4255 Laurel Street 
Vancouver, BC V5Z 2G9
Work: (604) 734-1313 x 2513
Mobile: (236) 788-3504