Health Services for Community Living (HSCL) is a community-based team supporting adults with developmental disabilities and complex health care needs.

What to expect

We facilitate access to various community health services, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, nutrition and dental hygiene. We also provide individual and group education on self-care management for clients managing chronic illness. 

Staff members focus on training and supporting family members and caregivers, providing referrals to healthcare providers, advocating for clients needing specialist care, and working with staff, families and clients to create and implement care plans for specific health concerns.


Find this service near you

  • Other

    Health Services for Community Living - Sunshine Coast

    5630 Inlet Avenue Sechelt
  • Health Services for Community Living at G.F. Strong

    4255 Laurel Street Vancouver
  • Health services for community living at Richmond Hospital

    7000 Westminster Highway Richmond