Interventional Radiography (IR) is a technologically advancing branch of angiography. IR uses diagnostic imaging equipment to perform minimally invasive therapy.

Frequently asked questions

  • Do I need a referral from my doctor?

    Your health-care provider will need to submit a filled medical imaging requisition form to our clinic. Learn more on how to access and book an appointment for this service at a location near you -- see the list of clinics below. 


Find this service near you

  • Interventional Radiography at Jim Pattison Pavilion (VGH)

    899 West 12th Avenue Vancouver
  • Interventional Radiography at Koerner Pavilion (UBCH)

    2211 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver
  • Interventional Radiography at Lions Gate Hospital

    231 East 15th Street North Vancouver
  • Interventional Radiography at Richmond Hospital

    7000 Westminster Highway Richmond