Residential care inspection teams regularly inspect licensed care facilities and report compliance with the Community Care and Assisted Living Act requirements and the Residential Care Regulations.

With the exception of child and youth residential care and community living homes, residential care facilities are required to post our most recent routine inspection report.

Inspection reports

For inspections in Vancouver, Richmond, North Shore, Sunshine Coast, and Sea to Sky visit our inspection reports website.

Inspection Reports website

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do licensing officers look for during inspections?

    During inspections, licensing officers look for items typically divided into ten broad categories:

    1. Physical facility, equipment and furnishings
    2. Staffing
    3. Policies and procedures
    4. Care and/or supervision
    5. Nutrition and food services
    6. Medication
    7. Hygiene and communicable disease control
    8. Records and reporting
    9. Licensing administration
    10. Program

    All contraventions identified during inspections are followed up by a VCH licensing officer to ensure ongoing compliance with the act and regulations.

Complaint investigations

In addition to regular inspections, Licensing Officers are responsible for investigating complaints about licensed residential care facilities. A summary of all substantiated complaints can be found below. 

Residental care complaint investigation summary report

Operating without a Licence - Residential Care

Unlicensed providers may provide care for only one or two persons not related to them by blood or marriage. If someone cares for more than the allowed number of persons outlined in the Community Care and Assisted Living Act, without a community care facility licence, they may be operating in contravention. A list of all residential care premises found to be operating without a licence in Vancouver, Richmond, North Shore, Sunshine Coast, and Sea to Sky regions can be accessed using the link below.

Residential care facilities found to be operating without a licence

Complaints & feedback

Fill out the feedback form for environmental health, inspections or facility licensing issues. 

Health protection feedback