The Respiratory Disease Education Program provides education for adults with asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and other respiratory diseases.

Respiratory educators provide self-management support and referrals and coordinate care.

What to expect

 The respiratory educator will provide the following:

  • Self-management support, so you have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to manage your respiratory condition. Topics most often covered are:

    • smoking cessation,
    • preventing the progression of your lung disease through trigger avoidance,
    • optimizing your medication use to reduce symptoms and prevent flare-ups,
    • promoting exercise and improving ability to function,
    • recognizing flare-ups, initiating self-management and knowing when to seek medical help.
  • Make referrals to appropriate resources when required.
  • Loop back to your family physician for coordinated care.
  • Meet you at your home, VCH office, or virtually (e.g. phone, FaceTime, Skype for Business). 


Find this service near you

  • Respiratory Disease Education Program at Lions Gate Hospital

    231 East 15th Street North Vancouver
  • Community health centres

    Respiratory Disease Education Program at ​West Vancouver Community Health Centre

    2121 Marine Drive West Vancouver