Prostate Cancer Supportive Care (PCSC) Program
Related topics: Cancer Conditions and diseases Prostate diseases
The Prostate Cancer Supportive Care (PCSC) Program is a comprehensive program for prostate cancer patients and their partners.
The program offers six modules of care encompassing education and clinical services.
Our modules of care
Introduction to prostate cancer and primary treatment options
This is a 2.0-hour group information session for newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients which is jointly presented by a urologist and a radiation oncologist. Diagnosis, treatment options and side effects are discussed as well as how the PCSC Program can help. A patient representative is also present to share his experience and answer questions from the audience.
Managing the impact of prostate cancer treatments on sexual function & intimacy
This is a 1.5-hour group information session that focuses on the sexual side effects of prostate cancer treatments and sexual rehabilitation. One-on-one clinical appointments with our sexual health clinician 12 weeks after surgery or radiation therapy are available as part of this module. Intimacy workshops are also available quarterly throughout the year.
Lifestyle management
A healthy lifestyle has been shown to improve the quality of life for men with prostate cancer. We offer a 1.5-hour group information session on nutrition and a 1.5-hour group information session on physical activity. An exercise clinic led by an Exercise Physiologist is now available for patients wishing to increase their energy and activity levels.
Recognition & management to treatment-related side effects to androgen deprivation therapy (ADT)
This is a 1.5-hour information session for prostate cancer patients starting on hormone therapy. A nurse practitioner from BC Cancer explains how ADT works and presents all the possible sides effects and ways to manage the side effects.
Pelvic floor physiotherapy
This is a 1.5-hour group information session suitable for patients both pre- and post-prostate cancer treatment to understand ways to reduce the effects of surgery and radiation therapy on urinary function. Our physiotherapist offers three one-on-one clinical appointments for those patients with incontinence 12 weeks post-treatment.
Counselling services & group therapy workshops
We offer private, confidential appointments for prostate cancer patients and their spouses/partners, either separately or together with our registered clinical counsellor. Counselling can help explore how to cope with difficult emotions such as fear, anxiety, sadness, helplessness, and other signs of emotional distress. The Living with Prostate Cancer (LPC) program is now available for prostate cancer patients to help them adjust to living with their diagnosis.
The PCSC Program
The official program website.
Prostate Cancer Supportive Care (PCSC) at Gordon and Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre
- Main: (604) 875-4495