Simulation Centres utilize simulation to support learning and skill development (from clinical to communication and teamwork skills and process development) for all staff in the healthcare field.

What is simulation?

Simulation is an artificial representation or imitation of a real-world process to achieve education through experiential learning.  The simulated environment is made to resemble the intended environment as closely as possible to immerse students in an experience closest to real life. The participant feels the same emotional and physical responses as in real-life situations (AL-ELQ, 2010).  Simulation is an alternative to practicing on actual patients – a participant can make mistakes and learn from them without the fear of harming someone.

Find this service near you

  • Coastal Simulation Program at Lions Gate Hospital

    231 East 15th Street North Vancouver
  • Vancouver General Hospital Simulation Centre (VGH SIM)

    855 West 12th Avenue, Room 230 Vancouver