TIDES Rural/Remote Rehab Team

Related topics: Physical therapy & rehabilitation

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The TIDES Rural/Remote Rehab Team combines virtual service with in-person care to provide services to clients living with various neurological conditions.

The TIDES Rural/Remote Rehab Team provides short-term physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech language pathology for: 

  • stroke or Transient ischaemic attacks (TIA),
  • acquired brain injury,
  • spinal cord injury,
  • Concussion (non-sports related), and
  • progressive neurological disorders. 

The TIDES Team consists of a Physiotherapist, an Occupational Therapist, a Speech-Language Pathologist, and three Rehabilitation Assistants. 

What to expect

Integrating virtual therapy with in-person care

During your initial appointment, we will ask you questions about your daily activities, mobility, communication, and health concerns. Our program is goal-centered, so please be prepared to discuss areas or activities you would like to improve through rehabilitation.

Please have available:

  • Home exercise program(s) or recommendations from other therapists
  • List of medications
  • Hearing aids, glasses, walking aids
  • Medical services/Care Card

For assessment with the Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist please wear comfortable, casual clothing that allows for easy movement.

Frequency of appointments is determined on a case-by-case basis; an appointment schedule will be outlined after your initial assessment. Ongoing appointments may be a mix of in-person and/or virtual. These appointments will be with a TIDES therapist or Rehabilitation Assistant.

TIDES Program Resources

    • Clinician guide

      Referral criteria, referral process and program details for clinicians.

    • TIDES Poster

    • TIDES Referral Form


TIDES Rural/Remote Rehab integrates virtual service with in-person care to meet the needs of people across all communities. The TIDES Rehab Team is based at Sechelt Hospital, but provides service to residents across Vancouver Coastal Health’s rural and remote communities including: 

  • Sunshine Coast, 
  • Powell River, and
  • Sea-to-Sky Corridor 

Learn how to access or how to refer the TIDES Rural/Remote Rehab Team through the location at Sechelt Hospital.

Virtual and in person appointments 

Your appointments may be virtual or in person, either at your local hospital or in your home. This is determined by TIDES Rural/Remote Rehab on a case-by-case basis, depending on many factors, including your

  • Location
  • Transportation options
  • Access to technology
  • Diagnosis
  • Functional ability and goals

For more information, call 604-885-8690 or email TIDESteam@vch.ca.

How to access this service


  • Adults aged 19 and over
  • Diagnosis of: stroke, TIA, acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury, progressive neurological disorder, or non-sports related concussion.
  • Medically stable and able to participate in short-term, goal-directed rehab from OT/PT/SLP.
  • Current health condition is NOT related to an open claim with WCB or ICBC.
  • Patient has specific, realistic rehab goals and demonstrates rehab potential.
  • Patient demonstrates motivation and a willingness to participate in their treatment.
  • Patient has someone to assist them during appointments if required.


Referrals are accepted from: hospitals, rehab centers, physicians, home and community care, and other healthcare professionals through the Referral Form and Clinician Guide.

For more information, call (604) 885-8690 or email TIDESteam@vch.ca.