
Family support

We recognize that families are a key component to the healing process, and the purpose of the Family Advisory Committee is to represent the needs of families dealing with significant mental illness.

The North Shore Mental Health and Substance Use Family Advisory Committee (FAC)


Who we are

Our volunteer membership includes family members who have shared experience with a loved one who has received mental health or substance use services from the various services on the North Shore. We are the siblings, spouses and parents who have navigated the health system under times of extreme stress. We also have members from the North Vancouver District RCMP and key health professionals from Lions Gate Hospital and the HOpe Centre.

Our main goals are:

  • To increase communication between families and service providers

  • To create improved access for families of loved ones with mental illness

  • To minimize the stress for new families coming into the system

  • To make a family's healing journey as smooth as possible

Our team of volunteers has spearheaded many initiatives since the FAC's inception several years ago. This web page is one of them. It is our way of providing online support for families. We have heard from many families who have identified that travel distance, travel expenses and time restrictions are barriers to receiving the support they need during times of crisis throughout their loved one's recovery process. It is our hope that this web page will aid in filling this gap.

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