
Substance use and harm reduction resources for health professionals and service providers


Vancouver Coastal Health prohibits self-management (injection, inhalation/smoking or other means) of illicit drugs in hospitals or hospital sites outside of designated overdose prevention services and sites.

Learn more

Substance use and harm reduction training, education and other resources for health professionals, service providers and overdose prevention sites.

For health professionals

    • Harm reduction and substance use resources

      Two-page reference sheet with links to courses, policies and more.

    • Overdose safety planning step by step and supports

    • VCH substance use and harm reduction education roadmap

      Start learning about substance use here! Links to training from beginner to advanced.

    • Overdose prevention strategies available in VCH

      Linked list of Overdose Prevention strategies for organizations.

    • Toward the Heart

      BCCDC Harm Reduction page

    • Mental health and substance use learning platform portal

      Education and resources for staff

    • VCH Harm Reduction Practice Policy

      This policy guides all VCH services in applying harm reduction principles.

    • Street Degree Manual

      The objective of Street Degree is to build the skills, knowledge and confidence of PWLLE and other staff in overdose prevention work. This manual provides the resources to run street degree sessions in your community.

    • Naloxone training course for staff

      Learn to respond to toxic drug poisonings on LearningHub.

    • BC peer worker training

      Towards the Heart: Interactive online training for direct care staff and peers.

    • Resisting stigma on substance use

      Interactive video tour to learn about stigma

    • Distributing naloxone to clients course

      Training for anyone who will be distributing/dispensing Naloxone kits to clients, patients or residents on LearningHub.

    • Regional substance use and addictions care curriculum

      Comprehensive staff education on substance use

    • Overdose prevention safety planning

      Learn to prevent toxic drug poisonings.

    • Foundational concepts of working with people who use substances and their care

      Start learning about substance use care.

    • Substance use simulations

      Interactive clinician training

    • BC Centre on Substance Use training and education

      See training available through the BCCSU.


      Request support from the Toxic Drug Response Team.

For community service providers

    • Overdose prevention strategies available in VCH

      Links to key strategies to prevent and response to toxic drug poisonings.

    • The safer bathroom toolkit

      University of Victoria: A toolkit to help make bathrooms safer for people who use substances.

    • Episodic overdose prevention services

      One-pager on the policy that supports clients to use substances more safely in health and community service settings.

    • Overdose response box for health and social service sites

      What to put in an overdose response box

    • Toxic drugs: ideas to stay alive

      Printable poster with harm reduction ideas.

    • Online street degree

      Interactive online training for peers and other staff


      Request support from the Overdose Emergency Response Team.

    • VCH low-barrier contingency management - how-to guide

      Resource guide for agencies wanting to support people who use stimulants with low-barrier service.

For overdose prevention services (OPS)

    • Overdose prevention site manual

      full pdf of manual

    • Housing overdose prevention site manual

      full pdf of manual

    • In-person Street Degree education sessions

      View the poster for more information. Email to sign up for in-person training.

    • Online street degree

      Interactive online training for peers and other staff

    • Toxic Drug Response Community of practice

      View and join the online community of practice.

    • Community of Practice weekly call and email list

      Sign up by email for calls and updates at

Related articles

Overdose response, Naloxone and training