An illustration showing a scene of a town during winter

Why focus on winter wellness?

The chill of winter brings a host of challenges that can impact your health. Colder temperatures often correlate with an increased risk of respiratory illnesses, seasonal depression and weather-related injuries. The drop in temperature can make us more susceptible to colds, the flu and exacerbate chronic conditions. This season, more than ever, it's crucial to take steps to protect your health and well-being.

In extreme cold, there are increased risks of hypothermia, frostbite, slips, falls, carbon monoxide poisoning and potentially death. Winter weather can affect everyone's health, so make sure you're ready and do what you need to keep yourself, your family, and your community safe.

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Find the help you need when you need it

Learn what's best for your situation and make informed choices about where to go for medical care.

Put your health first this winter.

Learn how to keep yourself healthy and avoid getting sick or injured and know where to seek care when you need it.