Child care facilities
Inspections, reviews and applications for facilities caring for three or more children who are not related to the operator by blood or marriage.
Types of licensed child care programs
- Group Child Care (under 36 months)
- Group Child Care (30 months to school age)
- Preschool (30 months to school age): Up to 4 hours of care per day for children at least 30 months old on the entrance to the program and 36 months old by December 31 of the year of entrance.
- Group Child Care (school age): Care before or after school or during school closure periods to children who attend school, including kindergarten.
- Multi-Age Child Care: Care to 8 children of various ages.
- Family Child Care: Care for up to 7 children in the licensee’s personal home and where the licensee personally provides the care.
- In-Home Multi-Age Care: Care for up to 8 children in the licensee’s personal home and where the licensee personally provides the care.
- Occasional Child Care: No more than 40 hours in a month to children who are at least 18 months old.
- Child-minding: a child care program under contract to the government that provides services to immigrants.
Factsheet series for child care facility operators, architects and designers
Considerations for Selecting, Designing and Operating Child Care Facilities
Child care resources
Child Care in BC
Government of BC
Child Care Outdoor Space & Equipment Safety Check
Intended for child care licensees as a template for creating a child care outdoor space and equipment safety checklist.
Guideline for control of bed bugs
in childcare facilities
Child registration form
Child emergency consent form
Bed bug(s) found in a daycare notification
Bed bugs(s) and bed bug(s) bites found on child
Letter to parents
Immunization information form
Kindergarten immunization poster
Imms. guidelines for employees in child care
Child care facilities safe & healthy food
LEAP Food Flair Manual
Prepare to care - child care
Tools to help you create a comprehensive emergency plan.
Child Care Emergency Response Plan Template
Template to draft or supplement your child care emergency plan.