Illustration of a abstract leaf pattern


  • Acquired Brain Injury Inpatient Program

  • Acquired Brain Injury Outpatient (ABI OP) Program

  • Adolescent Complex Concussion Clinic (ACCC) Outpatient Services

  • Aphasia Education Workshop

  • Cognitive Assessment and Rehabilitation for Substance Use program (CARSU)

  • Electroencephalogram (EEG) Services

  • G.F. Strong Adult Concussion Services (GFACS)

  • G.F. Strong School Program

  • Intensive Rehabilitation Outpatient Program

  • Neurocritical Care

  • Neurological Rehabilitation Outpatient Program

  • Neuropsychiatry Program

There are two types of acquired brain injuries, traumatic and non-traumatic.

Incidents like falls, motor vehicle accidents and sports injuries cause traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Internal factors like lack of oxygen or blood to the brain caused by a stroke, heart attack or aneurysm cause non-traumatic brain injuries.

An illustration of a diverse group of people doing different activities.

My Guide Concussion

MyGuide: Concussion is a customizable guide for adults with concussion, or those wanting to learn about adult concussion. It should not be used to self-diagnose, replace medical advice, or for concussion in people under 18 years old.

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